Tag Archives: marketing

Digital Film Marketing: more than marketing

Film Industry Marketing free admissionRecently I have had the pleasure of speaking at Digital Film Marketing 2, a one-day seminar organised by FOCAL for Swiss Film Industry Professionals. Not only speaking, but contributing to a better understanding of the digital landscape by answering many questions during the whole day. If you know where I come from, it will not surprise you that I loved it.

There were many interesting discussions and, to my great pleasure, a growing awareness of the lack of knowledge a major part of the film industry has had in digital matters. (And strategy.) One day wasn’t enough time, but it was a solid beginning of a great conversation and much-needed mind-shift. Above all: a common mind-shift… much needed, too, it seems: the few attendees who have a great affinity to both cinema and the social web expressed “a sense of relief” after the seminar because they would feel “less alone”.

Why did I entitle my presentation “Digital Film Marketing: more than marketing”? Because my three key messages were the following: Continue reading

[French] Industrie de Cinéma et Internet – l’influence des réseaux sociaux

Exceptionally, this article is in French. English speaking readers might want to read “Film industry and internet – social media as a transformer of business”.

Industrie de Cinéma et Internet - l'influence des réseaux sociauxPourquoi internet et les réseaux sociaux représentent un enjeu crucial pour l’industrie de cinéma indépendant? Quels points sont à considérer lors des réflexions autour une présence digitale?

A ce sujet, j’ai été invitée à donner une conférence chez Fonction:Cinéma, une structure qui vise à encourager la création cinématographique indépendante à Genève et en Suisse romande. Continue reading

Target moments, not target audiences.

Target moments - social media momentsIt was on Steve Bridger’s blog that I’ve discovered the quote (by Anne) “It is about target moments, far more than it is about target audiences.”

Target moments – I immediately fell in love with that notion, feeling that it contains a lot of what I have been trying to explain when talking about Social Media. Continue reading