Social networks call for an overall understanding of digital interaction

When I was asked to replace Matthias Lüfkens, former Head of Digital Media at the World Economic Forum and now Managing Director EMEA of Digital Practice at Burson-Marsteller, at a presentation for business owners about social media, I accepted gladly. And I decided to put the emphasis on increasing the attendees’ overall understanding of social networks and the impact of digitalisation in general.

If you have been reading other articles on this blog or been following me on twitter, you are probably aware of how much I keep advocating for increasing digital literacy. Continue reading

Digital Film Marketing: more than marketing

Film Industry Marketing free admissionRecently I have had the pleasure of speaking at Digital Film Marketing 2, a one-day seminar organised by FOCAL for Swiss Film Industry Professionals. Not only speaking, but contributing to a better understanding of the digital landscape by answering many questions during the whole day. If you know where I come from, it will not surprise you that I loved it.

There were many interesting discussions and, to my great pleasure, a growing awareness of the lack of knowledge a major part of the film industry has had in digital matters. (And strategy.) One day wasn’t enough time, but it was a solid beginning of a great conversation and much-needed mind-shift. Above all: a common mind-shift… much needed, too, it seems: the few attendees who have a great affinity to both cinema and the social web expressed “a sense of relief” after the seminar because they would feel “less alone”.

Why did I entitle my presentation “Digital Film Marketing: more than marketing”? Because my three key messages were the following: Continue reading

Film industry and internet – social media as a transformer of business

Screens internet social media transformation of film businessWhy the recurrent focus on the film industry? Let me tell you where I come from.

Over a decade ago, I have started working in the film industry in what qualifies easily as a dream job: programming and acquisition for an independent film distribution. My actual work experience with movies had started much earlier, when selling tickets in a local movie theatre, but it was with the film distribution that I really plunged in, attended film festivals all over the world and learnt about the trade. A trade, an industry, fairly untouched yet by the internet. No social media yet.

Since then, a lot has changed: social media has arrived. So has broad band internet. Digitalisation everywhere. Piracy has become an issue. Continue reading

[French] Industrie de Cinéma et Internet – l’influence des réseaux sociaux

Exceptionally, this article is in French. English speaking readers might want to read “Film industry and internet – social media as a transformer of business”.

Industrie de Cinéma et Internet - l'influence des réseaux sociauxPourquoi internet et les réseaux sociaux représentent un enjeu crucial pour l’industrie de cinéma indépendant? Quels points sont à considérer lors des réflexions autour une présence digitale?

A ce sujet, j’ai été invitée à donner une conférence chez Fonction:Cinéma, une structure qui vise à encourager la création cinématographique indépendante à Genève et en Suisse romande. Continue reading

Community Management for Ecowizz

It is all about interaction. Interaction online and interaction offline. This is what has brought me to Social Media: interaction online par excellence.

And if you have already visited my profile page, you might have noticed a special bond with “community management”. (Actually, I have been one of the first members of the Swiss Community Managers Association after attending its very first – yet informal – meeting almost two years ago.) A special bond – despite the fact that community management is not naturally associated with the strategical level. Theoretically.

In reality, interaction is crucial on every level.

A good strategy needs good community management to really work. This is why whatever “social media strategy” should not only be tailored to the company/market/cause at hand but also consider realistic execution, i.e. take into account internal organization, culture and resources. Continue reading

Target moments, not target audiences.

Target moments - social media momentsIt was on Steve Bridger’s blog that I’ve discovered the quote (by Anne) “It is about target moments, far more than it is about target audiences.”

Target moments – I immediately fell in love with that notion, feeling that it contains a lot of what I have been trying to explain when talking about Social Media. Continue reading

Those who don’t understand algorithms…

Don’t be scared if you don’t know what an algorithm is. This article is for you, so please read on.

If you know what an algorithm is but mainly from a mathematical viewpoint, you may skip the following paragraph, but please read on below, too.

About algorithms… and human action

Picture ‘Lamp Flowchart’ by Wapcaplet, via Wikimedia Commons

In a nutshell, an algorithms is the standardized function by which an action is executed – the important word being “standardized“. Because: the action to be executed is defined very clearly, and the function must state unambiguously in what circumstances and under what conditions this action has to be executed (or not).

This may sound very theoretical, but we all have already been confronted with a multitude of algorithmic processes.

Retrieving money from a cash machine is a typical, rather simple example: the machine has a certain number of predefined “actions” it can do (ask for your PIN code, hand out a certain amount of money, show account balance, swallow your card etc.) and its actions depend on your input, which are “conditions” for the machine.

Of course every action that is computer-based is algorithmic, i.e. implemented within different “layers” of programming, all boiled down to the basic electronic signals 0 and 1.

But no need for computers: actually, every procedure guided by a flowchart is algorithmic, too. Everything that is standardized. Everything that is automated.

“Algorithm” means no room for interpretation. And no choice. Continue reading