Rezonance, a professional network in Western Switzerland, is holding a series of events called Rezonance First on current trends and topics.
One of these Firsts will be taking place next week (23.11.11, 18h, Paudex), related to the SAWI course of Social Media and Online Communities co-managed by Stephanie Booth, and organised in collaboration with RITA.
I have the pleasure of moderating this promising event. Please get in touch if you are attending… and believe me, there are good reasons to take part no matter whether you are already familiar with Social Media or not.
The First will – as usually – welcome very diverse speakers: there will be a politician, a User Experience Archiect and two Social Media Specialists being active in HR/recruitement and media/music industry respectively. It will be very interesting to see which topics, risks and opportunities are specific and which ones are experienced as global…
There are still some spots left – you can register for free on the Rezonance website. Looking forward to seeing you there!