This page has not been updated since 2019.
Please visit for the most recent pieces of writing, news coverage, and events.
On this page, you can find my publications, selected appearances in the press, as well as additional information about me up to 2019.
Elsewhere, you can find a short bio in the third person, and links to various social media profiles.

Articles and conference papers (peer-reviewed)
- Jobin, A., M. Ienca, E. Vayena (2019). The global landscape of AI ethics guidelines. Nature Machine Intelligence (ISSN 2522-5839), 389-399, September 2, 2019. (preprint available at:
- Jobin, A., S. Prezioso, O. Glassey & F. Kaplan (2019). La mémoire kaléidoscopique: l’histoire au prisme des algorithmes d’autocomplétion [The kaleidoscopic memory: history as seen through algorithms of autocompletion]. Geschichte und Informatik – Histoire et Informatique (ISSN 1420-5955). Zurich, Switzerland: Chronos
- Jobin, A. & L. Bilat (2016). Les services numériques grand public et leurs utilisateurs: trois approches sociotechniques contemporaines [Digital services for the general public and their users: three contemporary sociotechnical approaches]. A contrario. Lausanne: BNS Press. 22(1)
- Jobin, A. (2015). An imaginary algorithmic public: How media report on search query metrics. Association of Internet Researchers Conference. Phoenix (AR), USA. October 22, 2015.
- Jobin, A. & F. Kaplan (2013). Are Google’s linguistic prosthesis biased towards commercially more interesting expressions? A preliminary study on the linguistic effects of autocompletion algorithms. In: International annual conference of Digital Humanities. Lincoln: Center for Digital Research in the Humanities
- Jobin, A. (2012). Research Notes: Information demand about the US presidential candidates in Switzerland. Investigating information retrieval via the Google AdWords platform. In: Proceedings of the International workshop on Just-in-time Sociology,
Book chapters
- Jobin, A. (2019). Diagnose: Ambivalenz. Freiheit im digitalen Zeitalter [Diagnosis: ambivalence. Freedom in the digital era]. In: Min Li Marti & Jean-Daniel Strub (eds.), Freiheit. Baden, Switzerland: hier + jetzt.
- Jobin, A. (2017). Von A(pfelkuchen) bis Z(ollkontrolle): weshalb Algorithmen nicht neutral sind [From A (apple pie) to Z (ealous border control): why algorithms are not neutral]. In: Adrienne Fichter (ed.), Die Smartphone-Demokratie [The Smartphone Democracy]. Zürich, Switzerland: NZZ Libro.
- Jobin, A. & O. Glassey (2014). ‘I am not a web search result! I am a free word.’ The categorization and commodification of ‘Switzerland’ by Google. In René König & Miriam Rasch (eds.), INC Reader #9: Society of the Query Reader: Reflections on Web Search. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Institute of Network Cultures. , R. König and M. Rasch (eds), ISBN: 978-90-818575-8-1.
Other writing
- Belinchon de la Banda, E., B. Bollmann, J. Cussins Newman, A. Jobin & J. Nakonz (2019). Towards an Inclusive Future in AI. A Global Participatory Process.Policy Recipes. Zurich: foraus – Forum Aussenpolitik.
- Jobin, A., (18.05.2018). Was bei Algorithmen hinten herauskommt, weiss niemand so genau – und warum, noch viel weniger [No one knows what exactly comes out of algorithms – and even less why]. Invited longform article for the Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ.
- Jobin, A. & M. Ziewitz (2018). Organic search: how metaphors help cultivate the web. Humboldt Institute for Internet & Society (HIIG) Blog, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1193276, available at:
- Jobin, A. (05.2016-05.2017). Monthly editorial about Social Media for the University of Lausanne Alumni network ALUMNIL.
- Jobin, A. (2015). Online Evaluation of Creativity and the Arts: Hiesun Cecilia (ed.). Book review for Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 30(4). first published online: 10 July 2015, DOI:10.1093/llc/fqv024 [pdf of author version]
- Jobin, A. (19.11.2013). Google’s autocompletion: algorithms, stereotypes and accountability. Republication of my article for Sociostrategy on Postcolonial Digital Humanities, available at:
- Jobin, A. (since 2011). Blogging irregularly on Sociostrategy (
Conference presentations (peer-reviewed)
- Jobin, A., Jobin, A. (2017). Advertisers and algorithms: translating between tradition and technology. Association of Internet Researchers Conference. Tartu, Estonia. Oct 19, 2017.
- Jobin, A. (2017). Algorithms, Words and Valuation. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Boston (MA), USA. Aug 31, 2017.
- Jobin, A. (2017). Online advertising, algorithms, and intermediaries. Theorizing the Web. New York City (NY), USA. April 7, 2017.
- Jobin, A., S. Prezioso, O. Glassey & F. Kaplan (2016). La mémoire kaléidoscopique : l’histoire au prisme des algorithmes d’autocomplétion [The kaleidoscopic memory: history as seen through algorithms of autocompletion]. Swiss Congress of Historical Sciences. Lausanne, Switzerland. June 9, 2016.
- Jobin, A. (2016). Year in search: relevance and limitations. Theorizing the Web. New York City (NY), USA. April 15-16, 2016.
- Jobin, A. (2015). An imaginary algorithmic public: How media report on search query metrics. Association of Internet Researchers Conference. Phoenix (AR), USA. October 22, 2015.
- Jobin, A. (2015). Zeitgeist is as Zeitgeist does: the performativity of algorithmic ranking charts. Early Stage Researchers Colloquium on Internet and Society. Berlin, Germany. September 24, 2015.
- Jobin, A. (2015). Faiseurs d’algorithmes malgré eux: les contributeurs de Google Search et le ‘digital labor’ [Involuntary algorithm makers: contributors of Google Search and digital labor]. Swiss Sociological Association Congress. Lausanne, Switzerland. June 5, 2015.
- Jobin, A. & F. Kaplan (2013). Are Google’s linguistic prosthesis biased towards commercially more interesting expressions? A preliminary study on the linguistic effects of autocompletion algorithms. International annual conference of Digital Humanities. Lincoln (NE), USA. July 17-19, 2013.
- Jobin, A. (2012). Research Notes: Information demand about the US presidential candidates in Switzerland. Investigating information retrieval via the Google AdWords platform. International workshop on Just-in-time Sociology. EPFL, Switzerland. December 4, 2012.
Conference posters
- Jobin, A. (2015). “Big data and the individual: locating agency in interaction with algorithms.” Research day of the Social and Political Science Faculty. Poster. Lausanne University, Switzerland. November 5, 2015.
- Jobin, A. (2014). “Researching interaction with algorithms: advertisers and Google AdWords.” Doctoriales UNIL. Poster. Lausanne University, Switzerland. December 14, 2014.
- Jobin, A. (2013). Interacting with Algorithms. Advertisers and Google AdWords. Swiss National Science Foundation: Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day. Bern, Switzerland. October 21, 2013.
- Jobin, A. (2013). “Algorithms and Agency: the Commodification of Words by Advertisers and Google AdWords” Research day of the Social and Political Science Faculty. Poster. Lausanne University, Switzerland. October 31, 2013
Invited keynotes
- “’action suppression’: von Modellen und Menschen [‘action suppression’: of models and men]” Minds 100. Basel, Switzerland. November 20, 2019
- “Citizen Science & Research Ethics.” Engaging Billions of Scientists! Den Haag, Netherlands. July 2, 2019.
- “Le numérique est plus qu’un simple outil parmi d’autres, mais va-t-il pour autant vraiment révolutionner le monde? [The ‘digital’ is more than a simple tool among many others, but will it actually revolutionize the world?].” Roadshow WIR 2017. Olympic Museum. Lausanne, Switzerland. November 2, 2017.
- “« L’année en recherches » : une mise en scène algorithmique de l’actualité par Google [«Year in Search»: an algorithmic presentation of the news by Google].” Invited keynote. Université du Québéc à Montréal. Montréal, Canada. October 5, 2016.
- “Social Media as a Tool, Social Media as a Culture: How to Understand ‘the Digital’ in Higher Education.” Digital Campus Meeting organised by Swissnex San Francisco. Lausanne, Switzerland. November 11, 2014.
- “The Use of Social Media in an Academic Context: Beyond Twitter and Facebook.” Tutors’ programm UNICA2014. Lausanne, Switzerland. October 9, 2014.
Other presentations
- “The global landscape of AI ethics guidelines.” Ethical Implications of AI in Cybersecurity. Oxford, UK. November 8, 2019
- “Datenethik aus Sicht der Forschung: dringend und innovationsfördernd.” Connecta. Bern, Switzerland. October 22, 2019.
- “Datenethik: was steht auf dem Spiel.” OMK Bern. University of Bern, Switzerland. August 22, 2019.
- “Compétences numériques: environnement et défis [Digital literacy: context and challenges].” COFEM/EMEK: Streamingdienste und Plattformen: Herausforderungen für Medien & Öffentlichkeit. Bern, Switzerland. May 8, 2019.
- “Créer le buzz en 42’017 étapes [Create a buzz in 42’017 steps].” Buzz ou pas buzz? Etat des lieux de la viralité [To buzz or not to buzz? Virality today]. HEAD. Geneva, Switzerland. March 14, 2019.
- “#CarteBlanche.” Shift 2019. Zürich, Switzerland. February 28, 2019.
- “Citizen Science Ethics.” Citizen Science Brown Bag Lunch. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. December 3, 2018.
- “Ethik und Governance: Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung” [Ethics and governance: challenges of digitalization].” Genetische genealogie – Chancen und Herausforderungen [Genetic genealogy – opportunities and challenges]. ETH. Zürich, Switzerland. December 1, 2018.
- “Algorithms, data, and automation: Google’s algorithmic advertising system at work.” L’intelligence artificielle et l’avenir du travail. Promesses des machines, machines à promesses [Artificial Intelligence and the future of work. Promises of machines, promising machines]. University of Lausanne. Lausanne, Switzerland. March 22, 2018.
- “Evaluating (Ad)Words: Expertise and translation in Google’s algorithmic system.” STS faculty research workshop. Tufts University, Medford (MA), USA. September 29, 2017.
- “Performing public relevance: Google’s Year in Search in Switzerland.” Science Studies Research Group. Cornell University, Ithaca (NY), USA. November 7, 2016.
- “The future of STS.” (Graduate panel participant.) Where has STS Traveled? Celebrating 40th Anniversary of the Inaugural Meeting of the Society for Social Science. Cornell University. Ithaca (NY), USA. October 29, 2016.
- “La culture numérique, une culture au-delà des cultures? [Digital culture: a culture beyond cultures?].” Meet the future organised by La Journée de la Femme Digitale [Digital Woman Day]. Paris, France. March 10, 2016.
- “La mémoire collective: ‘Google et les poilus’ [Collective memory: Google and the ‘poilus’].” Les rencontres du web 14-18 [The World War I web meetings] organised by La Mission du Centenaire [The Centenary Departement Committees]. With S. Prezioso, F. Kaplan, & O. Glassey. Paris, France. April 10, 2015.
- “How Search Engines Frame Collective Memory. WW1 Commemorated and Reprocessed a Century After.” With S. Prezioso, F. Kaplan, & O. Glassey. Journée CROSS. Presentation. EPF Lausanne, Switzerland. November 21, 2014.
- “The Co-Construction of Algorithms: advertisers’ representation of Google and its users.” DOC-STS. Geneva, Switzerland. September 26, 2014.
- “Twitter – advanced issues.” Meeting of communication officers. Presentation. Lausanne University, Switzerland. March 10, 2014.
- “The commodification of digitized words: (re-)creating and negotiating meaning with web search engines.” Digitization and its Impact on Society. TU Dresden, Germany. September 30, 2013.
- “Un colloque DH c’est quoi? Du DH2013 au DH2014. [What is a DH colloquium? From DH2013 to DH2014]” Interinstitutional doctoral colloquium UNIL/ EPFL in Digital Humanities. Presentation. EPFL, Switzerland. September 20, 2013.
- “Les prothèses linguistiques et la commodification des mots par Google. [The linguistic prosthesis and commodification of words by Google]” Interinstitutional doctoral colloquium UNIL/EPFL in Digital Humanities. Presentation. Lausanne University, Switzerland. June 21, 2013.
- “Les réseaux sociaux: quelques impacts majeurs. [Social networks: some major impacts].” Startups & SME Breakfast. Lausanne, Switzerland. March 2, 2012
(Guest) Lectures
- “Consent & privacy in a digital world.” Guest lecture. Ethics workshop: the impact of digital life on society. ETH. Zürich, Switzerland. Forthcoming: November 6, 2019.
- “Privatsphäre, Ethik, Eigentum und Zivilgesellschaft [Privacy, ethics, ownership and civic society].” Respondent. Citizen Science: public lectures. University of Zürich, Switzerland. October 30, 2019.
- “The proliferation of AI guidelines.” Guest lecture in Big Data, Law & Policy. ETH. Zürich, Switzerland. March 6, 2019.
- “La politique des algorithmes en ligne [The politics of online algorithms].” Guest lecture in Données, connaissance et culture [Data, knowledge and culture]. Université du Québéc à Montréal. Montréal, Canada. October 5, 2016.
- “L’actualité algorithmique [Algorithmic news].” Guest lecture in Médias et société [Media and society]. Université du Québéc à Montréal, Canada. October 5, 2016.
- “Nouvelle pratiques de l’image [New image practices].” Course co-design and weekly co-teaching with D. Panchaud. CEPV: Higher Education in the Arts; section: photography. Vevey, Switzerland. 2015-2016.
- “Technology, innovation and society: five myths debunked.” Guest lecture in Executive MBA: Tourism and Innovation. Sierre, Switzerland. May 9, 2014.
- “Digital Film Marketing 2.” Lecture for FOCAL workshop. Zurich, Switzerland. March 8, 2012.
- “Film Promotion and Marketing on the Internet.” Lecture for Fonction:Cinema. Geneva, Switzerland. February 7, 2012.
- “Video On Demand and the Social Web.” Lecture for FOCAL Workshop. Zurich, Switzerland. September 30, 2011.
Media interventions
Research coverage
- Der Standard (Austrian high-quality daily national newspaper). “Was darf künstliche Intelligenz? [What may artificial intelligence do?].” October 04, 2019.
- Singularity Hub (American specialized online platform). “What Does Ethical AI Look Like? Here’s What the New Global Consensus Says.” September 10, 2019.
- APA Science (Austrian Press Agency). “Die Welt ist uneins über ethische Künstliche Intelligenz.” September 3, 2019.
- Le Temps (Swiss high-quality daily national newspaper).“Google revient de guerre. [Google returns from war].” December 10, 2014.
Interviews, studio invitations
- RTS (Radio Television Suisse) La Première: Pour la première fois. “Anna Jobin et Fatima Sator se rencontrent pour la première fois [Anna Jobin and Fatima Sator meet for the first time].” January 11, 2019. (invited studio guest)
- Cominmag (Swiss bi-monthly trade magazine. “Black Mirror, c‘est maintenant [Black Mirror is happening now].” May 2018. (lead interview)
- RTS (Radio Television Suisse) La Première: Tribu. “Les algorithmes et nous [Algorithms and we].” October 31, 2017. (invited expert)
- RTS (Radio Television Suisse) La Première: Six heures – Neuf heures, le samedi. “L’intelligence artificielle: entre fantasme et réalité [Artificial intelligence: between fantasy and reality].” February 27, 2016. (invited studio guest, see my blog post for an English translation)
- RTS (Radio Television Suisse) La Première: InterCités. “, au service des gens pressés [Internet shopping: serving busy people].” May 7, 2012. (invited studio guest)
- Cominmag (Swiss bi-monthly trade magazine. “Community Manager: Mon job? Les réseaux sociaux! [Community Manager: My job? Social networks!].” Spring 2012. (interview)
- University of Fribourg, Uniprint (reprise). “Community Manager : a new profession” May 2012 – interview (reprise). Faculty of economics and social sciences: Newsletter 08 pdf version [in French]
- RTS (Radio Television Suisse) La Première: InterCités. “Les réseaux sociaux font peur aux parlementaires [Social Networks make parlamentary members afarid].” August 25, 2011. (invited studio guest)
- RTS (Radio Television Suisse) La Première: Forum. “Les réseaux sociaux socialiseraient les internautes [Social Networks said to socialize internet users]” June 17, 2011. (invited studio guest)
Expert commentary
- MIT Technology Review (U.S. magazine). “Hey Google, sorry you lost your ethics council, so we made one for you.” April 6, 2019
- Le Temps (Swiss high-quality daily national newspaper). “L’intelligence artificielle à la rescousse du cinéma [Artificial Intelligence to the rescue of cinema].” March 2, 2019.
- Cinebulletin (Swiss professional magazine). “Künstliche Intelligenz als Hilfsmittel des Kinos [Artificial Intelligence as a support for cinema].” February 12, 2019.
- Insieme (Swiss associateive newspaper). “Crowdfunding – Lockruf des sicheren Erfolgs? [Crowdfunding – tempted by a guaranteed success?].” December, 2018.
- Le Matin Dimanche (Swiss Sunday newspaper). “Demain, seriez-vous un criminel? [Tomorrow, will you be a criminal?].” October, 2018.
- NZZ am Sonntag (Swiss high-quality Sunday newspaper). “Maschinen erschaffen Kunstwerke [Machines create art].” March 31, 2018.
- La Cité (Swiss monthly newspaper). “Algorithmes: un enjeu démocratique [Algorithms: a democratic issue].” Edition no. 84, May 2017.
- Ina Global (French national online publication).“Comment enquêter sur les algorithmes? [How to inquire about algorithms?].” May 2017.
- EDITO (Swiss journalism magazine). “Algorithmes: un nouveau terrain d’enquête [Algorithms: a new field of inquiry].” February 2017, #2.
- PME Magazine (Swiss monthly SME magazine). “Et si vous sous-traitiez la gestion de vos réseaux sociaux? [What if you outsourced your social media management?].” February 2017, #2.
- Bilan (Swiss weekly economic magazin). “L’idéologie des algorithmes et l’extrémisme de droite [The ideology of algorithms and right-wing extremism].” November 17, 2016.
- Femina (Swiss weekly magazine).“Les algorithmes veulent-ils notre peau? [Do algorithms want to get at us?].” November 2016. (see my blog post and further reading suggestions [in French])
- Migros Magazine (Swiss retailer weekly magazine). “Le crowdfunding, atout de séduction virtuel [Crowdfunding, asset of the virtual seduction].” May 18, 2015.
- Le Temps (Swiss high-quality daily national newspaper).“Google revient de guerre. [Google returns from war].” December 10, 2014. (coverage of CROSS research project)
- RTS (Radio Television Suisse) Espace 2: Les matinales d’Espace 2. “Le celebgate ou le sexisme 2.0 [‘Celebgate’ a.k.a. sexism 2.0].” September 8, 2014.
- Le Temps (Swiss high-quality daily national newspaper).“«Socialbot»,l’ami qui nous veut du mal [With a friend like ‘Socialbot’ …].” November 30, 2013.
- RTS (Radio Television Suisse) La Première: Les temps modernes. “Internet, un monde d’hommes? [Internet: a man’s world?].” February 4, 2013.
- Femina (Swiss weekly magazine). “Les résaux sociaux: comment s’y retrouver [Social networks: how to get a grip].” January 2013.
- PME Magazine (Swiss monthly SME magazine).“Les règles pour gérer votre présence sur les réseaux sociaux [The rules of managing your social media presence].” April 2012, #4. pdf version [in French]
- RTS (Radio Television Suisse) La Première: Juste Ciel. “Berne: Flash mob prévue à Pâques [Bern: flashmob planned on Easter].” January 27, 2012.
- RTS (Radio Television Suisse) La Première: Le journal du matin. “Un film sur la genèse de Facebook [A movie about the origins of Facebook].” October 5, 2010.
Selected participations (before 2014)
DH2014 – Digital Humanities 2014
Digital Humanities is the annual international conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations
Digital Humanities 2014
SOTQ #2 – Society of the Query #2
Public Library Amsterdam
Nov 7-8, 2013
Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day
Exchange platform for interdisciplinary researchers bringing together the community of inter- and transdisciplinary researchers in Switzerland
Oct 21, 2013
DH2013 – Digital Humanities 2013
Digital Humanities is the annual international conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations
Digital Humanities 2013
Bi-annual Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association
Bern University
June 26–28, 2013
Swiss Methods Festival – Qualitative Research Methods & Mixed Methods Designs
Fribourg University
June 22, 2013
OAP Workshop
London School of Economics, London, UK
June 13-14, 2013
ICCM – International Crisis Mappers Conference
ICCM brings together the most engaged practitioners, scholars, software developers and policymakers at the cutting edge of crisis mapping to address and assess the role of crisis mapping and humanitarian technology in crisis response. (see my quick thoughts after the conference)
ICCM 2011 Geneva
(view my Crisis Mappers profile)
TEDxCERN 2013 (read my report), TEDxHelvetia, TEDxZurich 2012, TEDxZurich 2011 (read my report)
(view my TED profile)
Lift Conference (Geneva)
A series of events built around a community of pioneers who get together in Europe and Asia to explore the social implications of new technologies. (see my report on Why Lift 13 was good. And how Lift 14 can be better)
Lift 13, Lift 12, Lift 11, Lift 10(view my Lift profile)
Conference Lift France, with Fing (Marseille)
Three-day conference about current and emerging use of digital technologies and their effects on innovation, societal and economic transformation.
Lift France 12, Lift France 11
(view my FING profile)
Geneva Forum on Social Change – Social Media for Social Change
Apr 1-2, 2011
Swiss Community Managers Association (SCMA) Events
Feb 22, 2011: “What is a community? A sociologist’s perspective”, Mar 31, 2011: “Community Strategies in a large corporation”, Apr 18, 2011: “Community Management in luxury / City Management”, Apr 02, 2012: “When media become social and collaborative”
Rezonance First Event “My professional presence in social networks”
Mar 10, 2011
(view my Rezonance profile)
“Don’t make me steal” – a workshop held during Lift 11
Workshop aimed at collaboratively produce a manifesto by frustrated film lovers frustrated by contemporary solutions, addressed to content providers.
By endorsing the approach in itself I am by no means expressing complete endorsement for the final version. (view manifesto)
Forum e-Culture
Edition 2010 (“Netizenship – Digital identities and cyberintimidation”)
Title: Dr ès sciences sociales from the University of Lausanne (equivalent to a PhD)
Doctoral Thesis (monograph): “Interacting with Google AdWords. A critical study of web search advertising algorithms.”
Title: Lic. Rer. Soc. magna cum laude in Science of Society from Fribourg University (equivalent to a M.A.)
Studies: Sociology (Major), Political Economy, Information management (formerly: IT) (Minors)
Master Thesis: “The representation of risk in IT security. The expert discourse of external consultants.”
Memberships and affiliations
- Swiss Sociological Association (SGS-SSS)
- Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)
- Fribourg University Alumni
- European Citizen Science Association (ECSA)
- European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)
- Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
- Association for Computing Machinery
Reminiscence of a former life in the Film Industry:
Professional accreditations & attendance:
- Festival de Cannes (including Quinzaine des réalisateurs and Cannes Film Market)
- Toronto International Film Festival
- La Biennale di Venezia – cinema (Mostra – Venice Film Festival)
- Locarno Film Festival
- Zurich Film Festival
- Fribourg International Film Festival
- Fajr International Film Festival (Tehran)
For more information or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me.