About Dr. Anna Jobin

Dr. Anna Jobin at the University of Fribourg

© Pierre-Yves Massot (all rights reserved)

List of public appearances & more details (until 2019) on Anna Jobin’s profile.

A fervent advocate of connected thinking, Dr. Anna Jobin is a senior researcher and lecturer at the institute Human-IST of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and an associate researcher at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. She is also an inaugural member of the Swiss Young Academy, currently a affiliated with the laboratory of science and technology studies of Lausanne University. Her current research projects are situated at the intersection of science, technology and society, with a particular focus on ethics in research and citizen science, interaction with algorithmic systems, and “ethical” artificial intelligence., where she was named one of 100 brilliant women in AI ethics in 2021.

Previously, she held a research position at the Health Ethics & Policy Lab at ETH Zurich. In 2016/17, she obtained a mobility fellowship by the Swiss National Science Foundation to visit the Science & Technology Studies Department at Cornell University, and she was a Visiting Research Scholar at the Science, Technology, and Society Program at Tufts University in 2017/18. Before moving to the US, she was affiliated with EPFL’s Collège des Humanités for three years, following a fruitful collaboration with Frederic Kaplan of the DHLAB of EPFL that included assistance with the organisation of the first Just-in-time-sociology workshop and research on “linguistic capitalism” as well as “linguistic prosthesis”.

Anna Jobin holds a doctorate in social sciences of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lausanne and bilingual lic.rer.soc. degree (equivalent to a M.A.) of the University of Fribourg, Departement of Science of Society, having studied Sociology, IT/Information Management and Economics. She is a member of the Swiss Sociological Association, the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology, the Association of Computing Machinery, and the Association of Internet Researchers.

Dr. Jobin’s expertise and deep overall understanding of Internet and social media matters are highly appreciated: since January 2020, she has been a governmentally elected member of the Swiss Federal Media Commission, an extra-parliamentary expert commission of which she became the president in October 2021.  Her work experience is broad as she connects dots, information and people across sectors: After recurring engagements within the film industry, and before returning to academia, she ran a successful business advising and coaching individuals, companies and organizations in order to help them better understand and interact with the “digital world“. She has been invited to give talks at many private sector events and her research and expertise have been featured in Switzerland (e.g. the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Le Temps, the Swiss National Radio) and internationally, notably in El País, Aftenposten, Paula, on the technology website Singularity Hub and in the renowned MIT Technology Review. Her academic publications can be found on OrcID, Google Scholar and ResearchGate.

She is fluent in Swiss German, German, French and English, and elementary proficient in Italian, Spanish, and Farsi. Her personal interest include cinema, traveling, and playing the piano.

For more detailed information, please check out her profile or visit annajobin.com.